Saturday, 15 August 2015

My 1st day - Back to school ;)

Today marks my historical calendar. Finally, I manage to register for my MBA. What do you think I feel? Of course excited, blur, still motivated, and honestly.. tired. Haha

I am excited because, yes.. this is another journey for me. Never think of really make it happen.

And I am a bit blur because I have no idea if I have made a correct choice (Nobody knows anyway). But, I know that I just give a shot. That's me. Unpredicted, but I will make sure to prove everyone wrong with all of the early judgement. 

Motivated. I want to prove to everyone that science student can do well in business class.

And after all, I feel tired because UiTM is too big for me. Haha. I get used to USM campus Kubang Kerian's size. Small but comfortable, and warm.

I know that I am over-excited i facebook. Not to show off, because most of my friends already completed their masters. So, I dont think anybody will get offended or annoyed with me. But, surprisingly my ex-dorm mate from school ping me in facebook. 

She said, "Hey, I am going to register MBA too from UiTM kelantan branch". Without thinking, we share our contact number with the hope that we can discuss about our study since we will study the same thing =).. That's the sweet part.

I will miss my weekend activity.. my weekend habit.. and my karaoke box and my outing partner and friends.


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