I am on sick leave today. It is due to Dysmenorrhea, but this time it is severe for me, because I have a bad symptoms before, and after having period.
I am too much dependant on pain killers. I took pain killers for menstrual pain, and my bone pain too. I realize that it is not a good habit. But, without having it, I can't work, and acting as normal.
Dr Jane advised me to do Ultrasound scanning if it is happening again next month. I almost crying last night. I can't sleep at all, keep on turning around, and everywhere seems painful.
Yesterday my abdomen started cramping. I keep on walking, because if I sit still, it is even more painful. The day before yesterday, I feel that my body is so weak. My face look pale, and I look tired and stress..
It is not easy to be ME. Haha. Have to deal with period pain every month. I think that I want to do Ultrasound scanning. Afraid that it might be something inside. And, it is not easy to be me because my collegues, most of them are men. I don't know how to explain the feeling of having menstrual pain.
Hope that they understand
Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld from M1.
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; I don't know if this is helpful, but I was in the same shoes, I think. Period pain almost every month, and it is not cool at all. But few months back, I tried Salonpas muscle-pain release (i can't recall the full name) but the pain were gone just like that. You need to get it from watson/guardian (the large one), and stick it onto your belly or wherever that is aching. You should try, because it really works on me. Way better than painkillers. InshaAllah.
Thanks for your advice. Will try for next month. I tried EPO last time, also not working =(
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