2nd Ramadhan, berbuka di atas awan. Esoknye pulak kena attend training. Otak hampis hangus rentung. Lama tak masuk lecture lama-lama, rasa macam menjadi student yang paling stupid di abad ini. Sudah la dikelilingi clinical manager. I am just a chicken there! Damn sad kan?
Kalau namanye conference, training, of course ada makan-makan. Kadang-kadang rase syukur jugak. Sebab dekat tempat orang ni, halal ke tak makanan itu, sangat diragui. Hehe. Dan, mereka makan pizza. owh wowww... Tapi, rase macam dah biasa pulak tengok makanan. Rasa tak heran pon. Hehe
Sebab kite je puasa, so macam-macam soalan depa tanya:
1. Eh, fasting month start already meh??
Me: Yes. Today is my third day of fasting.
2. I taught that a girl no need to fast. Only guys are fasting right?
Me: No. All muslim are suppose to fast. But, under certain situation like having menstrual, after deliver, and etc, bla, bla, bla...
3. I heard that they will put you in jail if you are not fasting in Malaysia.. But, here you can eat la.. nobody watch. Haha
Me: Haha.. you are funny
4. You cannot eat right? ok, I bring you a cup of coffee then.
Me: Eh, I cant drink too..
X: Really? I taught that you just cant eat, but can drink...
Me: Both cannot laa...
5. Why do you fasting? If me, I can't do that. I am dying..
Me: I give MC to my digestion system.. They want to relax too
6. Are you hungry?
Me: Sure I am.
7. Ohh.. I feel bad for you
Me: I am okey deiii..
In fact, so many funny question appear. Haha. My boss are so funny.
They don't know so much about muslim because not so many muslim in Singapore. They were so shock and impress with me because I am survive for more than 14 hours without eating.
Then, the best part, the accompany me for break fast =).
But, they drink beer, and I am drinking green tea. Hahaha..
You don't drink beer for your whole life?
Me: No.
You want to try?
Me: Haha.. No laa.. I will drunk straight away I guess..
Sometimes, it is a good experience hang out with them. But, I always remind myself to be careful. I believe that God is with me.