Friday, 27 July 2012

Mencabar sungguh bulan puasa tahun ini

2nd Ramadhan, berbuka di atas awan. Esoknye pulak kena attend training. Otak hampis hangus rentung. Lama tak masuk lecture lama-lama, rasa macam menjadi student yang paling stupid di abad ini. Sudah la dikelilingi clinical manager. I am just a chicken there! Damn sad kan?

Kalau namanye conference, training, of course ada makan-makan. Kadang-kadang rase syukur jugak. Sebab dekat tempat orang ni, halal ke tak makanan itu, sangat diragui. Hehe. Dan, mereka makan pizza. owh wowww... Tapi, rase macam dah biasa pulak tengok makanan. Rasa tak heran pon. Hehe

Sebab kite je puasa, so macam-macam soalan depa tanya:

1. Eh, fasting month start already meh??
Me: Yes. Today is my third day of fasting.

2. I taught that a girl no need to fast. Only guys are fasting right?
Me: No. All muslim are suppose to fast. But, under certain situation like having menstrual, after deliver, and etc, bla, bla, bla...

3. I heard that they will put you in jail if you are not fasting in Malaysia.. But, here you can eat la.. nobody watch. Haha
Me: Haha.. you are funny

4. You cannot eat right? ok, I bring you a cup of coffee then.
Me: Eh, I cant drink too..

X: Really? I taught that you just cant eat, but can drink...
Me: Both cannot laa...

5. Why do you fasting? If me, I can't do that. I am dying..
Me: I give MC to my digestion system.. They want to relax too

6. Are you hungry?
Me: Sure I am. 

7. Ohh.. I feel bad for you
Me: I am okey deiii..

In fact, so many funny question appear. Haha. My boss are so funny.

They don't know so much about muslim because not so many muslim in Singapore. They were so shock and impress with me because I am survive for more than 14 hours without eating.

Then, the best part, the accompany me for break fast =).
But, they drink beer, and I am drinking green tea. Hahaha..

You don't drink beer for your whole life?
Me: No.

You want to try?
Me: Haha.. No laa.. I will drunk straight away I guess..

Sometimes, it is a good experience hang out with them. But, I always remind myself to be careful. I believe that God is with me.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Berbuka puasa di awan bersama firefly

Bulan puasa tahun ni agak menarik. Sebab kena pegi training. Dan, lagi menarik bila kita sorang je muslim. Kawan-kawan semua Singaporean, philipino, nigerean, ops, dan juga indian.. Ada jugak antara mereka yang tak tau pon apa itu berpuasa.. Hehe..

Ok, disebabkan book tiket flight last minit sebab nak dpat confirmation tu memang lambat, so, hambik kauuu, flight pukul 8pm dari SZB Subang, by Firefly.. Nasib baik la SZB tu dekat je dengan rumah. Ni first time naik Firefly pegi Singapore.

Waktu berbuka untuk semalam ialah 7.31pm.. masa tu, kite da nak sampai time nak kena beratur masuk perut kapal.. Erm. Ada jugak rase nak beli coffee kat kedai sebelah tu, tapi, da kena panggil. Air pon takde sebab air takleh bawak masuk dalam perut kapal. Dalam luggage je boleh. So, bersedih la ni kononnye.. Hehe..

Bila dah dapat seat je, terus peramugari tu tanye, da buka puasa ke belum? Saje je buat muka innocent, cakap belum. Hihi.. Die pon terus bagi tart blueberry dengan orange juice. Nice!! Terus dapat dulu.. Hehe.. orang semua pelik. Dan, bila flight da stable, pramugari tu round skali lagi bagi makanan. Tibe-tibe die bagi lagi satu tart.. Hehe.. Well done! Rezeki orang berpuasa =).

Flight selamat sampai pukul 9.20pm.. Lambat kan Firefly. Kalau Air Asia mungkin die speed sket, bole sampai dalam masa sejam. Tapi, dulu pernah kurang dari satu jam. Whoaaa~...

Nice service Firefly..

Thanks a lot =)

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld from M1.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Credit card. Yang mana bagus? Hmm

Sejak baru berhijrah ke tempat baru ni, banyak benda baru kena belajar. Salah satunye, kena ada credit card! Kalau nak tau, satu prinsip hidup telah tercalar sebab kite kalau boleh taknak ada credit card =(. Sebab kita guna debit card je. Sebab kita kan budak-budak lagi. Takot tak pandai manage duit sendiri.

Disebabkan kite selalu kena travel, dinasihatkan kena ada CC ni sebab kita bayar dulu, claim later. Euww..akan menyebabkan kita punye poket parah walaupun flight dan hotel ditanggung beres.

Sebenarnya, kite dah pon apply CC maybank al-ikhwan. Tapi, application tu kena reject walaupun layak sebab kite dah 3 minggu gagal memberikan document yg diperlukan. Haha. Setiap kali dia call, kite mesti out station. Bila la nak bagi document kat die. Hmm..

Ok la, fine! Kite agak berminat dengan citibank CC. Sebab ada banyak option, contohnye CC shell, Giant, AirAsia, dan banyak lagi benefit. Lagi satu, kepada yg kaki rayap dekat sunway pyramid, kalau ada citibank mmg syok la ye. Kebanyakan kedai ada offer baik punye kalau ada CC citibank.

Sebabkan kita nak card credit dengan urgent, so, kite pon call la beberapa bank yg ada CC.

Antaranya, standard chartered. Katenye, standard chartered ni antara interest yg terendah. Ye ke idaknye tak tau la. Tapi, dari segi processing, dan approval, antara yang terpantas. Kalau apply online, boleh tau confirmation dalam masa 5 hari. Haaa..gile kan.. Kebanyakan CC process dalam masa 14 hari bekerja, dan 14 hari nak dapat card. Maka, jenuh nak tunggu.

Tapi, untuk annual fee pulak, kalau standard chartered ni, untuk 2 tahun pertama, memang free. Kalau die kenekan charge pada tahun pertama, nnt boleh call customer service untuk waving. So, lepas 2 tahun, baru la kne charge. Dan, untuk apply supplementary card pulak, kena tunggu dalam 14hari bekerja..

Kalau nak apply online, boleh siap2 prepare document yg diperlukan. IC dengan payslip. Nanti dia akan proses.

Kalau RHB pulak, agak strict sikit. Nak proses application tu dah 2minggu, nak dpat card pon 2 minggu jugak. Ambik kauu.. Tapi, kalau RHB, annual fee hanya free dlm masa setahun saja. Next year tu boleh jugak buat waving, tapi kena buat 12 transaksi, dan kalau ada suplementary card, kena share half2 la. Supplementary card buat 6 transaksi, main card buat 6 transaksi. So, bole la dapat free kan..

Blerghhh.. Tak pasal2 blaja pasal card credit. Hehe. Bole jadi customer service lepasni. Hehe. K la, nak tido! Bye
Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

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Saturday, 7 July 2012

Bye Sarawak

Tomorrow is my last day in Sarawak. Honestly, I don't have time to look around the place.. Maybe next time?? I hope so..

Well, I will miss Sarawak a lot. Bye~

Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

Friday, 6 July 2012

My first visit to Kuching, Sarawak

Well, this is my first visit to Kuching, Sarawak. Supposely my flight by Air Asia should be departed from KL at 2100. But, delayed one hour, so I am officially arrived in Sarawak at about 2345. Exactly before midnight. Luckily Sarawak is quite safe at night =).

Since most of the hotel was fully booked already, I stay in Abell Hotel (so confuse, don't know how to pronounce..HAHA). I prefer single room since I am staying alone, and most of my time I spend outside (also because don't want to waste so much money from company. I am a good worker okay)

I forgot to snap some picture of my room. Since now, I have dirty up my room, now very shy to upload the photo. Kakakaa...But, it is a good hotel. Good service for me. I think that the hotel is still new (based on the toilet's design..hihi)

A lot of flowers in this hotel..hehehe...

somemore flower at the corner

Since I don't have so much time to travel around, I manage to capture some pictures. For me, this is my first time reading Utusan Borneo. I am so "kampung". Please don't bother..hahaha

The Borneo Post. At the moment, I just knew The Sun and NST for the newspaper in english version..Nowm we got The Borneo Post..

Travelling to Kuching is not complete if you are not taking the "Big Cat"'s pictures...hehe

I don't know the history on why this place is called Kuching, since I didn't saw any cat along the road. Maybe I should check the history..

well, I like this cat.. =)

The happy family.. =)

I will snap more picture around here soon. I wish I come here for holiday, and not for work..HAHA

Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

My first flight for 2012

Yeay! My first flight for 2012 =).. Actually, it is just a short distance. From Kuala Lumpur to Singapore. I took Air Asia this time, depart from LCCT to Changi airport. My flight depart at 0725 so, I should check-in around 3 hours before boarding. Walao~Singapore only maa.. 

So, I woke up at 0430am.. So, I missed one football match that day. I took cab from Subang to LCCT around 5am something. Just imagine, they charge me RM98 because it is consider as midnight. Damn expensive laaaa... Started from that moment, i don't want to book any flight early morning. Never!!

And, alhamdulillah, the I arrived safely that day. It was my first time in Changi Airport (kampung kan saya?). Usually, each time I go to Singapore, I will go by car or bus (my hometown is JB, very near).

What can I say about Changi Airport?
Erm, compared to KLIA, it is way tooo far... Especially the TOILET. The toilet is so clean.. BUT, no pipe or source of water in the toilet except at the sink. Haha. Well, I am not used to it. I am so Kampung girl. I need water to clean up after she-she.. 

After that, I took taxi to Oasia Hotel. The taxi driver are all awesome during my trip to Singapore. Well manner. Nice service! Another plus point about Singapore is, no traffic jam like KL =).. The car move slowly, and smoothly. No more car like in federal highway in Subang-Bangsar. Surely I am happy driving in Singapore.

Wow, I want to introduce you all to Oasia Hotel. This hotel is so awesome. I will show you the picture later. Overall, it is a nice, superb hotel, with a good service. Located just nearby the Hospital owned by Parkway, and near to the Shopping complex, and MRT Novilla.

Public transport in Singapore is good compared to KL. Taxis are everywhere. People in Singapore used to walk and take public transport. For those who drive, I heard that the car-park is damn expensive, about SGD8. My god!

The view from the window of my room

Something that I like most is, the town is so CLEAN. I can't see any beggars like in Pasar Seni, no rubbish like anywhere in KL. And, it is not because of Singapore have a lot of rubbish bin. But, because they have kind of mentality of don't want to be fined by the government. I heard that the camera are everywhere. Haha..

Not like anywhere in KL, each time I go out for makan, for sure the waiter/waitress will provide you a tissue paper to wipe. But, here, most of the place we have to bring our own tissue. Well, that's good =). Environmental friendly..

And, the McD sauce, they like the Kari Sauce.. Haha. Kind of weird for me.. Later I will take a sample and try. I tried already, but, not suit with my taste. Thai sauce better!

So many good things to comment. I think I better go and sleep now.

To be continue later

Throwback Penang trip 2017 (Oct)

Trip Penang kali ni macam tiba-tiba je rasa nak pegi. So, lepas kerja terus gerak drive ke Penang. Sepanjang perjalanan hujan lebattttt gila...